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Contains the vehicle object and API calls to interact with it. This object is used to describe vehicle's information like VIN, speed, consumption and other. Vehicle object should be assigned to tracker object.

Vehicle object

    "id": 222,
    "tracker_id": 1,
    "tracker_label": "Jimi LL301",
    "label": "AGV",
    "max_speed": 90,
    "model": "Renault KERAX",
    "type": "truck",
    "subtype": "tractor",
    "garage_id": 1,
    "garage_organization_name": "Fleet Systems",
    "trailer" : "trailer1",
    "manufacture_year" : 2001,
    "color" : "some color",
    "additional_info" : "additional info",
    "reg_number": "А001АА96",
    "vin": "TMBJF25LXC6080000",
    "chassis_number": "",
    "frame_number" : "",
    "payload_weight": 32000,
    "payload_height": 1.2,
    "payload_length": 1.0,
    "payload_width": 1.0,
    "passengers": 4,
    "gross_weight" : null,
    "fuel_type": "petrol",
    "fuel_grade": "А-80",
    "norm_avg_fuel_consumption": 9.0,
    "fuel_tank_volume": 50,
    "fuel_cost" : 100.3,
    "wheel_arrangement": "4x2",
    "tyre_size": "255/65 R16",
    "tyres_number": 4,
    "liability_insurance_policy_number": "12345",
    "liability_insurance_valid_till": "2020-10-15",
    "free_insurance_policy_number": "",
    "free_insurance_valid_till": null,
    "icon_id" : 55,
    "avatar_file_name": null,
    "tags": [1,2]
  • id - int. An ID of a vehicle.
  • tracker_id - int. An ID of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked.
  • tracker_label - optional string. Tracker's label.
  • label - string. Vehicle's label.
  • max_speed - int. Maximum speed of a vehicle.
  • model - string. Vehicle's model.
  • type enum. Vehicle's type. Can be "truck" | "car" | "bus" | "special".
  • subtype - optional enum. Depends on type, null means undefined. Possible subtypes listed below.
  • garage_id - nullable int. An ID of a garage.
  • garage_organization_name - optional string. Garage organization name.
  • trailer - optional string. Information about a trailer.
  • manufacture_year - optional int. Manufacture year of a vehicle.
  • color - optional string. Not RGB. A color of a vehicle.
  • additional_info - optional string. Additional info about a vehicle.
  • reg_number - string. Reg number/ license plate of a vehicle.
  • vin - string. VIN of a vehicle.
  • chassis_number - string. Chassis number of a vehicle.
  • frame_number - optional string. Frame number of a vehicle.
  • payload_weight - int. Payload weight in kilograms.
  • payload_height - decimal. Payload height in millimeters.
  • payload_length - decimal. Payload length in millimeters.
  • payload_width - decimal. Payload width in millimeters.
  • passengers - int. A maximum count of passengers.
  • gross_weight - optional int. Gross weight in kilograms.
  • fuel_type - enum. Can be "petrol" | "diesel" | "gas".
  • fuel_grade - string. Grade of fuel used in a vehicle.
  • norm_avg_fuel_consumption - decimal. Normal average fuel consumption in liters per 100 km.
  • fuel_tank_volume - int. Fuel tank capacity in liters.
  • fuel_cost - optional decimal. Cost of fuel used in a vehicle per liter.
  • wheel_arrangement - string. Wheel arrangement of a vehicle.
  • tyre_size - string. Tyre size.
  • tyres_number - int. Number of tyres.
  • liability_insurance_policy_number - string. Liability insurance policy number.
  • liability_insurance_valid_till - string date. The date till liability insurance valid.
  • free_insurance_policy_number - string. Free insurance policy number.
  • free_insurance_valid_till - string date. The date till free insurance valid.
  • icon_id - nullable int. Can only be updated via avatar/assign.
  • avatar_file_name - string. File name.
  • tags - int array. List of tag IDs.

    Type: "car"
    Subtypes: "sedan", "universal", "hatchback", "liftback", "limousine", "pickup", "minivan", "coupe", "coupe4d", "muscle", "convertible", "phaeton", "lando", "crossover", "roadster", "suv"
    Type: "truck"
    Subtypes: "tipper", "board", "covered", "awning", "mixer", "tanker", "refrigerator", "transporter", "container", "tractor"
    Type: "bus"
    Subtypes: "city", "shuttle", "platform", "school", "intercity", "sightseeing"
    Type: "special"
    Subtypes: "mobile_crane", "racing", "buggy", "ambulance", "firefighter", "hearse", "shop", "harvester", "snowplow", "tractor", "grader", "excavator", "bulldozer", "armored", "amphibian", "boat"

API actions

API path: /vehicle.


Creates a new vehicle.

required sub-user rights: vehicle_update

name description type
vehicle A vehicle object without id field. JSON object
force_reassign Optional. Default is true. Will reassign the device to created vehicle even if it was assign to another one. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "vehicle": {"additional_info": null, "avatar_file_name": null, "chassis_number": "", "color": null, "frame_number": "", "free_insurance_policy_number": "", "free_insurance_valid_till": null, "fuel_cost": null, "fuel_grade": "", "fuel_tank_volume": null, "fuel_type": null, "garage_id": null, "gross_weight": null, "icon_color": "1E96DC", "icon_id": null, "label": "Vehicle", "liability_insurance_policy_number": "", "liability_insurance_valid_till": null, "manufacture_year": 2020, "max_speed": 160, "model": "", "norm_avg_fuel_consumption": null, "passengers": 1, "payload_height": 1868, "payload_length": 2820, "payload_weight": null, "payload_width": 1972, "reg_number": "AB234D", "subtype": "sedan", "tags": [], "tracker_id": null, "trailer": null, "type": "car", "tyre_size": "", "tyres_number": null, "vin": "45468743418579751", "wheel_arrangement": null}}'


    "success": true,
    "id": 111
  • id - int. An ID of the created vehicle.


  • 247 – Entity already exists, if tracker_id!=null and exists a vehicle that already bound to this tracker_id.


Deletes a vehicles with the specified IDs. Only one of the following parameters must be specified.

required sub-user rights: vehicle_update.


name description type
vehicle_id ID of the vehicle to delete. int
vehicle_ids An array of vehicle IDs to delete. int array


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "vehicle_id": 127722}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if there is no vehicle with such an ID. This error will not occur if the vehicle_ids parameter is specified, deletion is silent in this case.


Gets all vehicles belonging to user.

name description type
limit Pagination. Maximum number of vehicle records to return. int
offset Pagination. Get vehicles starting from. int
sort Optional. Set of sort options. Each option is a pair of property name and sorting direction, e.g. ["type=desc","label=asc"]. Maximum 2 options in request. Available properties:
- id
- label
- reg_number
- model
- type
- garage_organization_name
- vin
- tracker_label
- fuel_type
- fuel_grade
- norm_avg_fuel_consumption
- fuel_tank_volume
- payload_weight
- chassis_number
- subtype
- wheel_arrangement
- tyres_number
- tyres_size
- max_speed
- passengers
string array
filter Optional. Filter vehicles by VIN, reg_number or label. Maximum 100 characters or null. string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3"}'


    "success": true,
    "list": [{
        "id": 222,
        "tracker_id": 1,
        "tracker_label": "Jimi LL301",
        "label": "AGV",
        "max_speed": 90,
        "model": "Renault KERAX",
        "type": "truck",
        "subtype": "tractor",
        "garage_id": 1,
        "garage_organization_name": "Fleet Systems",
        "trailer" : "trailer1",
        "manufacture_year" : 2001,
        "color" : "some color",
        "additional_info" : "additional info",
        "reg_number": "А001АА96",
        "vin": "TMBJF25LXC6080000",
        "chassis_number": "",
        "frame_number" : "",
        "payload_weight": 32000,
        "payload_height": 1.2,
        "payload_length": 1.0,
        "payload_width": 1.0,
        "passengers": 4,
        "gross_weight" : null,
        "fuel_type": "petrol",
        "fuel_grade": "А-80",
        "norm_avg_fuel_consumption": 9.0,
        "fuel_tank_volume": 50,
        "fuel_cost" : 100.3,
        "wheel_arrangement": "4x2",
        "tyre_size": "255/65 R16",
        "tyres_number": 4,
        "liability_insurance_policy_number": "12345",
        "liability_insurance_valid_till": "2020-10-15",
        "free_insurance_policy_number": "",
        "free_insurance_valid_till": null,
        "icon_id" : 55,
        "avatar_file_name": null,
        "tags": [1,2]


General types only.


Gets vehicle by specified ID.


name description type
vehicle_id ID of a vehicle. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "vehicle_id": 127722}'


    "success": true,
    "value": {
         "id": 222,
         "tracker_id": 1,
         "label": "AGV",
         "max_speed": 90,
         "model": "Renault KERAX",
         "type": "truck",
         "subtype": "tractor",
         "garage_id": null,
         "trailer" : "trailer1",
         "manufacture_year" : 2001,
         "color" : "some color",
         "additional_info" : "additional info",
         "reg_number": "А001АА96",
         "vin": "TMBJF25LXC6080000",
         "chassis_number": "",
         "frame_number" : "",
         "payload_weight": 32000,
         "payload_height": 1.2,
         "payload_length": 1.0,
         "payload_width": 1.0,
         "passengers": 4,
         "gross_weight" : null,
         "fuel_type": "petrol",
         "fuel_grade": "А-80",
         "norm_avg_fuel_consumption": 9.0,
         "fuel_tank_volume": 50,
         "fuel_cost" : 100.3,
         "wheel_arrangement": "4x2",
         "tyre_size": "255/65 R16",
         "tyres_number": 4,
         "liability_insurance_policy_number": "12345",
         "liability_insurance_valid_till": "2020-10-15",
         "free_insurance_policy_number": "",
         "free_insurance_valid_till": null,
         "icon_id" : 55,
         "avatar_file_name": null,
         "tags": [1,2]

A vehicle object.


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if there is no vehicle with such an ID.


Updates existing vehicle.

required sub-user rights: vehicle_update.


name description type
vehicle A vehicle object. JSON object
force_reassign Optional. Default is true. Will reassign the device to created vehicle even if it was assign to another one. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "vehicle": {"additional_info": null, "avatar_file_name": null, "chassis_number": "", "color": null, "frame_number": "", "free_insurance_policy_number": "", "free_insurance_valid_till": null, "fuel_cost": null, "fuel_grade": "", "fuel_tank_volume": null, "fuel_type": null, "garage_id": null, "gross_weight": null, "icon_color": "1E96DC", "icon_id": null, "id": 223155, "label": "Vehicle", "liability_insurance_policy_number": "", "liability_insurance_valid_till": null, "manufacture_year": 2020, "max_speed": 160, "model": "", "norm_avg_fuel_consumption": null, "passengers": 1, "payload_height": 1868, "payload_length": 2820, "payload_weight": null, "payload_width": 1972, "reg_number": "AB234D", "subtype": "sedan", "tags": [], "tracker_id": null, "trailer": null, "type": "car", "tyre_size": "", "tyres_number": null, "vin": "45468743418579751", "wheel_arrangement": null}}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if there is no vehicle with such an ID.
  • 247 – Entity already exists, if tracker_id!=null and exists a vehicle that already bound to this tracker_id.
  • 261 – Entity has external links - when tracker_id changes and there are some service tasks associated with this vehicle.


Convert batch of tab-delimited vehicles and return list of checked vehicles with errors.

required sub-user rights: vehicle_update.


name description type
batch Batch of tab-delimited vehicles. string
file_id Preloaded file ID. string
fields Optional, array of field names, default is ["label", "model", "reg_number", "fuel_grade"]. string array
geocoder Geocoder type. string

If file_id is set – batch parameter will be ignored.


    "success": true,
    "list": [<checked_vehicle>],
    "limit_exceeded": false     
  • limit_exceeded - true if given batch constrained by limit.

where checked_vehicle is:

      "id": 222,
      "tracker_id": 1,
      "label": "AGV",
      "max_speed": 90,
      "model": "Renault KERAX",
      "type": "truck",
      "subtype": "tractor",
      "garage_id": null,
      "trailer" : "trailer1",
      "manufacture_year" : 2001,
      "color" : "some color",
      "additional_info" : "additional info",
      "reg_number": "А001АА96",
      "vin": "TMBJF25LXC6080000",
      "chassis_number": "",
      "frame_number" : "",
      "payload_weight": 32000,
      "payload_height": 1.2,
      "payload_length": 1.0,
      "payload_width": 1.0,
      "passengers": 4,
      "gross_weight" : null,
      "fuel_type": "petrol",
      "fuel_grade": "А-80",
      "norm_avg_fuel_consumption": 9.0,
      "fuel_tank_volume": 50,
      "fuel_cost" : 100.3,
      "wheel_arrangement": "4x2",
      "tyre_size": "255/65 R16",
      "tyres_number": 4,
      "liability_insurance_policy_number": "12345",
      "liability_insurance_valid_till": "2020-10-15",
      "free_insurance_policy_number": "",
      "free_insurance_valid_till": null,
      "icon_id" : 55,
      "avatar_file_name": null,
      "tags": [1,2],
      "errors": <array_of_objects>
  • errors - optional array of objects.


  • 234 - Invalid data format.

Last update: October 16, 2024