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Driver journal entry

Contains driver journal entry object description and API calls to work with it. Using the driver journal, you can monitor trips and categorize them by status to see the full picture of transport usage. Driver Entry is an already categorized trip.

To get information on how-to work with driver journals refer to our instructions.

Driver journal entry object

    "tracker_id": 1,
    "start_date": "2020-10-13 07:03:39",
    "end_date": "2020-10-14 08:05:02",
    "employee_id": 1,
    "type": "work",
    "comment": "comment string",
    "start_location": {
        "lat": 11.0,
        "lng": 22.0,
        "address": "address value"
    "end_location": {
        "lat": 11.0,
        "lng": 22.0,
        "address": "address value"
    "length": 1.44,
    "start_odometer": 1.34,
    "end_odometer": 5.34
  • id - int. An ID of an entry.
  • tracker_id - int. An ID of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked.
  • start_date - date/time. Start date of a journal entry.
  • end_date - date/time. End date of a journal entry.
  • employee_id - nullable int. An ID of employee (driver).
  • type - enum. Type of journal entry. Can be "work", "personal", "other".
  • comment - nullable string. Comment for entry.
  • start_location - location object. Where entry starts.
  • end_location - location object. Where entry ends.
  • length - float. Length of the trip km.
  • start_odometer - nullable float. Odometer's value at the start.
  • end_odometer - nullable float. Odometer's value at the end.

API actions

API path: /driver/journal/entry.


Gets driver journal entries. There are two ways to get entries: by their IDs or by specifying date range. If there are no entry_ids in request, entries will be selected by intersecting their date range with date range from request (from and to parameters).


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int
from Include tracks which end after this date, e.g. "2020-10-13 00:00:00". date/time
to Include tracks which end after this date, e.g. "2020-10-14 00:00:00". date/time
entry_ids Optional. Array of entry IDs. int array
types Optional. Types of the driver journal entry, e.g. ["work", "personal", "other"]. string array
sort Optional. Set of sort options. Each option is a pair of column name and sorting direction, e.g. ["start_date=asc", "type=desc"]. string array
  • Possible columns of sort parameter:

    • start_date - Sort only by date, not considering time part.
    • start_datetime - Just raw column value.
    • end_date - Sort only by date, not considering time part.
    • end_datetime - Just raw column value.
    • start_address - Sort only by start address.
    • end_address - Sort only by the end address.
    • driver - Sort by last+first+middle driver name, not by driver ID.
    • type - Sort by type.
    • If no sort param is specified, then sort option will be "start_date=asc".


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "tracker_id": 123456, "from": "2020-10-13 00:00:00", "to": "2020-10-14 00:00:00"}'


    "success": true,
    "list": [{
        "id": 127722,
        "tracker_id": 1,
        "start_date": "2020-10-13 07:03:39",
        "end_date": "2020-10-14 08:05:02",
        "employee_id": 1,
        "type": "work",
        "comment": null,
        "start_location": {
            "lat": 23.25658,
            "lng": 21.89892,
            "address": "address"
        "end_location": {
            "lat": 23.26227,
            "lng": 21.59321,
            "address": "address"
        "length": 1.44,
        "start_odometer": 1.34,
        "end_odometer": 5.34



Creates driver journal entries.


name description type
entries Array of driver_journal_entry objects without id field. array of objects


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "entries": [{"tracker_id": 1, "start_date": "2020-10-13 07:03:39", "end_date": "2020-10-14 08:05:02", "employee_id": 1, "type": "work", "comment": "comment string", "start_location": {"lat": 11.0, "lng": 22.0, "address": "address value"}, "end_location": {"lat": 11.0, "lng": 22.0, "address": "address value"}, "length": 1.44, "start_odometer": 1.34, "end_odometer": 5.34}]}'


{ "success": true}



Updates driver journal entry. Only two fields type and comment are available to update.


name description type
entry driver_journal_entry_update_request type. See below. JSON object
  • driver_journal_entry_update_request object:
  "id": 1,
  "type": "work",
  "comment": "new comment"
  • id - int. An ID of the driver journal entry.
  • type - enum. Type of journal entry. Can be "work", "personal", "other".
  • comment - string. New comment of the driver journal entry.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "entry": {"id": 1, "type": "work", "comment": "new comment"}}'


{ "success": true }


  • 201 – if tracker not found
  • 204 - if entry not found.
  • General types only.


Deletes driver journal entries.


name description type
entry_ids Array of driver journal entries' IDs. int array


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "entry_ids": [127722, 127724]}'[127722, 127724]


{ "success": true }



Gets driver journal entries. Entries selected by intersecting their date range with date range from request (from and to parameters).


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker (aka "object_id"). Tracker must belong to authorized user and not be blocked. int
from Include tracks which end after this date, e.g. "2020-10-13 00:00:00". date/time
to Include tracks which end after this date, e.g. "2020-10-14 00:00:00". date/time
entry_ids Optional. Array of entry IDs. int array
types Optional. Types of the driver journal entry, e.g. ["work", "personal", "other"]. string array
sort Optional. Set of sort options. Each option is a pair of column name and sorting direction, e.g. ["start_date=asc", "type=desc"]. string array
add_filename_header If true then Content-Disposition header will be appended to the response. Default value is true. boolean
format File format: "pdf", "xls" and "xlsx". string
group_by Optional. If specified, grouped entries will be in different sections of the table. string
  • Possible values of group_by parameter:
    • type - group entries by entry type.
    • date - group entries by start_date per day.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3", "tracker_id": 123456, "from": "2020-10-13 00:00:00", "to": "2020-10-14 00:00:00", "add_filename_header": true, "format": "pdf"}'


A driver journal report file (standard file download).


Last update: October 16, 2024