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Entity Search Conditions

This page provides an overview of the search conditions object description and the types of conditions that can be used. Search conditions are employed to filter and retrieve a list of specific entities based on both built-in and custom fields.

Search conditions object

Search conditions are represented by an array of conditions, where each condition is evaluated to either true or false. Boolean operations such as AND or OR can be applied to these conditions. All conditions in the top-level array are joined using the AND operator by default.

                      "type": "eq",
                      "value": 1111
                      "type": "contains",
                      "value": "qqq"
            "type": "contains",
            "value": "who"

A maximum of 72 conditions can be used at once, including nested conditions.

Condition Types

AND Condition

This condition evaluates all specified sub-conditions and joins them using the AND boolean operator.

        "type": "eq",
        "value": 1111
        "type": "contains",
        "value": "qqq"
  • conditions - array. Contains from 2 to 60 sub-conditions to be joined.

OR Condition

This condition evaluates all specified sub-conditions and joins them using the OR boolean operator.

         "type": "eq",
         "value": 1111
         "type": "contains",
         "value": "qqq"
  • conditions - array. Contains from 2 to 60 sub-conditions to be joined.

NOT Condition

This condition evaluates a sub-condition and negates its result. If the sub-condition evaluates to true, the NOT condition will be evaluated as false, and vice versa.

  "type": "not",
  "condition": {
    "type": "eq",
    "field": "18",
    "value": 1111
  • condition - object. A single condition to be negated.


This condition checks if the specified field is equal to the provided number value. It also works for text fields (e.g., “111” is considered equal to 111). For linked entity fields, it matches the linked entity ID to the number value.

      "type": "eq",
      "value": 1111
  • field - string. A standard field or field ID.
  • value - int. Number value to match against the field. Can be decimal, must be between -2^63 and 2^63-1, with no more than 6 fractional digits.


This condition checks if the specified field contains a substring equal to the provided value. It also works for number fields (e.g., 123123 contains “123”). For linked entity fields, it matches the value against the linked entity label or other similar fields (e.g., first name, last name).

    "type": "contains",
    "value": "who"
  • field - string. A standard field or field ID.
  • value - string. Value to match against the field. Cannot be null or empty, maximum length is 760 characters.

IN Condition

This condition checks if the specified field matches any value within the provided array of values.

    "type": "in",
    "field": "18",
    "value": [1111, 2222, 3333]
  • field - string. A standard field or field ID.
  • value - array. Contains a list of values to match against the field. Each value must follow the same rules as in NUMBER EQUALS or CONTAINS STRING conditions, depending on the field type.


This condition checks if the specified timestamp field falls within a given period. The period is inclusive, meaning it includes both the from and to timestamps.

    "type": "period",
    "field": "creation_date",
    "value": {
        "from": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "to": "2023-12-31T23:59:59Z"
  • field - string. The name or ID of the timestamp field to evaluate.
  • value - object. Contains the from and to values defining the period.

Last update: January 14, 2025