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Getting Track Points

In many scenarios, it becomes essential to retrieve all location points of a track to gain comprehensive insights into the movements of an object equipped with a GPS tracker. This guide will demonstrate how to accomplish this using the Navixy API.


Obtain API Key Hash

First, you need to obtain the hash of an API key.

Get Tracker ID

Next, retrieve your tracker_id. This ID is essential as the platform needs to know which device's points to return.

Retrieve Track Points

With the API key hash and tracker ID in hand, you can now get all points for a specified period using the /track/read API method.

Required Parameters

  • tracker_id - Obtained from the tracker/list call. Only one tracker_id per call. It should be an integer.
  • from - A string containing the start date/time.
  • to - A string containing the end date/time.

For a full description of the parameters, see the /track/readAPI method.

Example Response

The platform will respond with the following data:

    "success": true,
    "limit_exceeded": true,
    "list": [
            "lat": 53.445181,
            "lng": -2.276432,
            "alt": 10,
            "satellites": 8,
            "get_time": "2011-06-18 03:39:44",
            "address": "4B Albany Road, Manchester, Great Britain",
            "heading": 298,
            "speed": 70,
            "precision": 100,
            "gsm_lbs": true,
            "parking": true

Response Fields

  • limit_exceeded - boolean. true if the requested time period exceeds the limit specified in the tracker's tariff.
  • lat - float. Latitude.
  • lng - float. Longitude.
  • alt - int. Altitude in meters.
  • satellites - int. Number of satellites used for this point.
  • get_time - date/time. GPS timestamp of the point, in the user's timezone.
  • address - string. Point address. Will be "" if no address is recorded.
  • heading - int. Bearing in degrees (0..360).
  • speed - int. Speed in km/h.
  • precision - optional int. Precision in meters.
  • gsm_lbs - optional boolean. true if the location is detected by GSM LBS.
  • parking - optional boolean. true if the point does not belong to the track.

Download Track Points as KML File

You can also download a KML file. This file can be used with map services to visualize all points on a map.

Example Request

curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "22eac1c27af4be7b9d04da2ce1af111b", "tracker_id": 123456, "from": "2020-09-23 03:24:00", "to": "2020-09-23 06:24:00", "format": "kml", "split": false}'

Additional Parameters

All parameters are the same as in track/read plus two new optional parameters:

  • format – string. File format, either "kml" or "kmz". Default is "kml".
  • split – boolean. If true, splits tracks by folders with start/end placemarks and track line. Default is false.

By following these steps, you can effectively retrieve and utilize track points for detailed analysis of device movements.

Last update: October 16, 2024