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API calls to manage GPS tracking devices within the Admin Panel.

Tracker object

    "id": 111231,
    "avatar_file_name" : "avatar",
    "clone": true,
    "comment": "Need to change SIM till next month",
    "creation_date": "2020-02-02",
    "group_id": 0,
    "dealer_id": 20410,
    "deleted": false,
    "label": "Truck",
    "user_id": 183654,
    "model_name": "Teltonika FMB120",
    "last_connection": "2020-02-02 12:44",
    "source": {
        "id": 456751,
        "device_id": "8624369656654",
        "model": "telfmb120",
        "blocked": false,
        "tariff_id": 13457,
        "creation_date": "2020-02-02",
        "tariff_end_date": "2021-02-02",
        "connection_status": "idle",
        "phone": "79995693344",
        "corrupted": true
  • id - int. Tracker ID aka object_id.
  • avatar_file_name - optional string. Passed only if present.
  • clone - boolean. true if this tracker is clone.
  • comment - string. Comment (description) related to the tracker.
  • creation_date - date/time. Tracker or clone creation date.
  • group_id - int. Tracker group ID. 0 if no group.
  • dealer_id - int. An ID of a dealer to which this tracker (or clone) belongs to.
  • deleted - boolean. True if tracker or clone has been marked as deleted.
  • label - string. Tracker label.
  • user_id - int. An ID of the user to which this tracker (or clone) belongs to.
  • model_name - string. Human-readable tracker model name.
  • last_connection - date/time. Time when this tracker last connected to the server (in UTC+0 timezone).
  • source - source JSON object.
    • id - int. Source ID.
    • device_id - string. Source_imei.
    • model - string. Tracker model name from "models" table.
    • blocked - boolean. true if tracker has been blocked due to tariff end, etc.
    • tariff_id - int. An ID of tracker's tariff from "main_tariffs" table.
    • creation_date - date/time. Date when this tracker first registered in the system.
    • tariff_end_date - date/time. Date of next tariff prolongation or null.
    • connection_status - enum. Current connection status.
    • phone - string. Phone of the device. Can be null or empty if device has no GSM module or uses bundled SIM which number hidden from the user.
    • corrupted - boolean. true when tracker has been corrupted using /tracker/corrupt, and not passed when it is not corrupted.

API actions

API path: panel/tracker.


Provides information about trackers which were considered "active" by our PaaS billing system, on a month-by-month basis.

required permissions: trackers: "read".


name description type
from Start year and month for searching, e. g. "2021-02". year-month string
to End year and month for searching. e. g. "2021-03". year-month string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "from": "2021-02", "to": "2021-03"}'


  "success": true,
  "list": [
      "month": "2021-02",
      "amount": 1,
      "trackers": [
          "tracker_id": 14,
          "user_id": 3,
          "label": "test",
          "device_id": "123321"
  • month - string. Year and month of stats entry.
  • amount - int. overall number of active trackers during a month.
  • trackers - A basic info about active trackers


  • 211 – Requested time span is too big.


Assign bundle to specified ICCID.

required permissions: tracker_bundles: "update".


name description type
bundle_id ID of the bundle. int
iccid Must consist of printable characters and have length between 3 and 20. string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "bundle_id": 1241, "iccid": "78974217758"}'


    "success": true


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if bundle not found.
  • 208 – Device blocked - if SIM card blocked.
  • 223 – Phone number already in use - if SIM card already in use.
  • 226 – Wrong ICCID - if SIM card not found.
  • 247 – Entity already exists - if ICCID is already exist.
  • 250 – Not allowed for deleted devices - if SIM card deleted.


Assigns bundle to specified order ID.

required permissions: tracker_bundles: "update".


name description type
bundle_id ID of a bundle. int
order_id ID of a bundle. Nullable. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "bundle_id": 1241, "order_id": 78974217758}'


    "success": true


  • 201 – Not found in the database if bundle not found.


Adds multiple bundles at once.

required permissions: tracker_bundles: "create".


name description type
imeis Array of IMEI numbers. string array
equip_id ID of equipment to associate with all specified IMEIs. int
factory_preset Whether this device was preconfigured on factory or not. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "imeis": ["896654523569742", "754854"], "equip_id": 13785, "factory_preset": false}'


    "success": true


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if bundle not found.
  • 247 – Entity already exists - if one of IMEIs is already exist.
  • 204 – Entity not found - if there is no equipment with specified equip_id.


Gets list of all bundles. If filter is used, entities will be returned only if filter string contained within one of the following fields: id, imei, model_code, iccid, assign_time.

required permissions: tracker_bundles: "read".


name description type
clones_filter Optional. Possible values: exclude_clones (filter out "cloned" trackers from results), only_include_clones (results shall contain only "cloned" trackers) or not_set. enum
filter Optional. Text filter string. string
order_by Optional. Specify list ordering. Can be one of id, label, status, model, device_id, phone, creation_date, user_id, comment. Default order by id. enum
ascending If true, ordering will be ascending, descending otherwise. Default is true. boolean
offset Optional. Starting offset, used for pagination. Default is 0. int
limit Optional. Max number of records to return, used for pagination. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06"}'


    "success": true,
    "list" : [<bundle>],
    "count" : 42
  • list - array of bundle objects.
  • count - int. Total number of records (ignoring offset and limit).


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if user_id or tariff_id specified but was not found.


Returns the bundle object with the specified imei.

required permissions: tracker_bundles: "read".


name description type
imei Device's IMEI. string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "imei": "835664527777452"}'


    "success": true,
    "value" : <bundle>


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if bundle not found.


Assign specified equipment to bundle.

required permissions: tracker_bundles: "update".


name description type
bundle_id ID of the bundle. int
equip_id Valid equipment ID. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "bundle_id": 13457, "equip_id": 35468}'


    "success": true


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if bundle not found.
  • 204 – Entity not found - if there is no equipment with specified equip_id.


Creates a clone of the existing non-clone tracker. The method allows cloning from and to a subpaas's user account that is in the admin account hierarchy. Cloning from a user of one subpaas to another user of another subpaas in the same hierarchy is also possible.

required permissions: trackers: "create".


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
label User-defined label for clone, e.g. "Courier". Must consist of printable characters and have length between 1 and 60. string
user_id ID of the user who will become the owner of the clone. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 134537, "user_id": 354468, "label": "Courier"}'


    "success": true,
    "id": 3947
  • id - int. An ID of the created clone.


  • 219 - Not allowed for clones of the device – when source tracker is clone itself.
  • 201 - Not found in the database – when specified tracker_id not found.
  • 246 - Invalid user ID – when user ID is same as source tracker's owner id, or it does not exist/belong to authorized dealer.
  • 247 - Entity already exists – if destination user already has a clone of this tracker.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Returns auth token for connection to tracker command console.

required permissions: trackers: "update".


name description type
tracker_id ID of a tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 134537}'


    "success": true,
    "key": "6ad7490d4ec7f600ef10d4db41584980cd3ac230",
    "timestamp": 1399957326
  • key - string. A key which is used to connect to console.
  • timestamp - int. A timestamp which is used to connect to console.

Establish WS connection with a URL:


JSON objects come in the next text frames:

    ["Time","2020-06-09 10:02:37.0"],
    ["Location valid","yes"],
    ["Hardware mileage","3707.85"],
    ["Digital input status","8"],
    ["Analog input 1","0.004"],
    ["Analog input 2","0.02"],
    ["Digital output status","3"],
    ["GSM Level","13"],
    ["GSM Operator code","73002"],
    ["Battery level","3.827"]
  "type": "status"


  • 230 - Not supported for this entity type – when tracker deleted or blocked.
  • 201 - Not found in the database – when tracker with such device_id not found.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Mark tracker as deleted and corrupt its source device_id and phone. Rename tracking table.

required permissions: trackers: "corrupt".


name description type
tracker_id ID of a tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
corrupt_clones Optional. Default is true. Remove clones of the tracker for other users boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 134537}'


    "success": true


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if tracker not found.
  • 219 – Not allowed for clones of the device - if source tracker is clone itself.
  • 252 – Device already corrupted.
  • 253 – Device has clones and corrupt_clones is false.
    "success": false,
    "status": {
        "code": 253,
        "description": "Device has clones"
    "list": [234651]
  • list - int array. Clones tracker_ids list.


Creates clones from the specified set of existing non-clone trackers. The following actions are allowed within the same admin account hierarchy:

  • Cloning from and to a subpaas's user account
  • Cloning from a user of one subpaas to another user of another subpaas
  • Cloning in a single operation from users that belong to different subpaas accounts

The maximum number of trackers to clone per operation is 1000. Labels from the original trackers are preserved.

To clone trackers across the hierarchy, use the master admin panel's hash.

required permissions: trackers: "create".

name description type
tracker_ids Tracker ID list. Each of these trackers must not be a clone and must be accessible to the target user. int array
user_id Target user ID that is accessible from the admin panel hierarchy. int
ignore_existing Optional (default = false). If true, allows performing a non-transactional cloning operation by creating clones if no clone conflicts are encountered within the operation. All already existing clones in the target user's account will not stop the operation, but the conflicting trackers from the tracker_ids will not be used in the cloning action and will be displayed in the response as ignored_trackers list. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "user_id": 998836, "tracker_ids": [134537, 458412, 99330], "ignore_existing": true}'[134537,458412]&ignore_existing=true


name description type
list Resulting list of created clone tracker IDs. int array
success Action's execution status. boolean
ignored_trackers The trackers from the request that were ignored during the batch_clone operation due to the target user tracker conflicts (clones already exist). int array


  "ignored_trackers" : [ 99330 ],
  "list": [
  "success": true


If the operation is applied transactionally meaning the ignore_existing = false or is not specified: it completes only if "success": true is received for the whole batch, otherwise, the cloning process for all trackers is rolled back.

  • Standard errors.
  • 7 - Invalid parameters. Size must be between 1 and 1000 - triggered when the clone request exceeds 1000 trackers.
  • 217 – List contains nonexistent entities - if at least one tracker from the request is not found.
  • 247 – Entity already exists - if at least one of the trackers already has its clone in the target user. The error provides the list of trackers in the target user that caused the error.


  "status": {
    "code": 247,
    "description": "Entity already exists"
  "list": [
  "success": false


Deletes the specified set of trackers that are clones of other trackers. The action will be considered as completed successfully, even if some trackers could not be deleted. Then for the rest response will contain a description of the reasons why the deletion failed.

required permissions: trackers: "delete".

name description type
trackers Tracker ID list. Each of these trackers must be a clone and be accessible for current user. int array


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "trackers": [134537, 458412]}'[134537, 458412]


name description type
success Action's execution status. boolean
deleted_count Number of successfully deleted clones from trackers. int
not_deleted_count Number of not deleted clones. int
not_deleted_trackers Optional. Description of failed deletion operations. {"id": integer, "error": string}. array of objects


  "success": true,
  "deleted_count": 2,
  "not_deleted_count": 3,
  "not_deleted_trackers": [
      "id": 2,
      "error": "Not a clone"
      "id": 3,
      "error": "Entity not found"
      "id": 4,
      "error": "Already deleted"



Deletes a clone of the existing tracker.

required permissions: trackers: "delete".


name description type
tracker_id ID of a tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer and must be a clone. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 134537}'


    "success": true


  • 201 - Not found in the database – if tracker not found.
  • 249 - Operation available for clones only – if source tracker is not a clone.
  • 203 - Delete entity associated with – if there are some rules or vehicles associated with tracker.
    "success": false,
    "status": {
        "code": 203,
        "description": "Delete entity associated with"
    "rules": [10]
  • rules - int array. A list of associated rule IDs.


    "success": false,
    "status": {
        "code": 203,
        "description": "Delete entity associated with"
    "vehicles": [11]
  • vehicles - int array. A list of associated vehicle IDs.

  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Returns list of all trackers belonging to dealer (with optional filtering by filter string, user_id and/or tariff_id).

If filter is used, entities will be returned only if filter string contain one of the following fields: id, label,, source.device_id, source.model,, user_id.

required permissions: trackers: "read".


name description type
user_id Optional. ID of the user. User must belong to authorized dealer. int
tariff_id Optional. ID of the tariff. Tariff must belong to authorized dealer. int
filter Optional. Text filter string. string
order_by Optional. List ordering. Can be one of "id", "label", "status", "model", "device_id", "phone", "creation_date", "last_connection". string
ascending Optional. If true, ordering will be ascending, descending otherwise. Default is true. boolean
offset Optional. Starting offset, used for pagination. Default is 0. int
limit Optional. Max number of records to return, used for pagination. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06"}'


    "success": true,
    "list" : [{
      "id": 111231,
      "avatar_file_name" : "avatar",
      "clone": true,
      "comment": "Need to change SIM till next month",
      "creation_date": "2020-02-02",
      "group_id": 0,
      "dealer_id": 20410,
      "deleted": false,
      "label": "Truck",
      "user_id": 183654,
      "model_name": "Teltonika FMB120",
      "last_connection": "2020-02-02 12:44",
      "source": {
          "id": 456751,
          "device_id": "8624369656654",
          "model": "telfmb120",
          "blocked": false,
          "tariff_id": 13457,
          "creation_date": "2020-02-02",
          "tariff_end_date": "2021-02-02",
          "connection_status": "idle",
          "phone": "79995693344",
          "corrupted": true
    "count" : 42
  • list - array of objects. Tracker object described above.
  • count - int. Total number of records ignoring offset and limit.


  • 201 – Not found in the database - if specified user_id or tariff_id not found.


Moves the existing non-clone tracker to another user belonging to the same dealer.

Tracker will be unbound from any rules associated with it.

required permissions: trackers: "create", "delete".


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
user_id ID of the user who will become the owner of the tracker. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 1245678, "user_id": 214034}'


    "success": true


  • 219 - Not allowed for clones of the device – when source tracker is clone.
  • 201 - Not found in the database – when tracker not found.
  • 246 - Invalid user ID – when user_id is the same as source tracker's owner id, or it does not exist/belong to authorized dealer.
  • 247 - Entity already exists – when destination user already has a clone of this tracker.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Returns the tracker object with the specified ID.

required permissions: trackers: "read".


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 1245678}'


    "success": true,
    "value" : {
        "id": 111231,
        "avatar_file_name" : "avatar",
        "clone": true,
        "comment": "Need to change SIM till next month",
        "creation_date": "2020-02-02",
        "group_id": 0,
        "dealer_id": 20410,
        "deleted": false,
        "label": "Truck",
        "user_id": 183654,
        "model_name": "Teltonika FMB120",
        "last_connection": "2020-02-02 12:44",
        "source": {
            "id": 456751,
            "device_id": "8624369656654",
            "model": "telfmb120",
            "blocked": false,
            "tariff_id": 13457,
            "creation_date": "2020-02-02",
            "tariff_end_date": "2021-02-02",
            "connection_status": "idle",
            "phone": "79995693344",
            "corrupted": true
  • value - JSON object. Tracker object described above.


  • 201 - Not found in the database – when tracker not found.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Sends tracker registration commands and resets all tracking settings. Can be executed once in 120 seconds for every tracker.

Device models navixymobile*, mobile_unknown*, iosnavixytracker* are not supported.

required permissions: trackers: "update".


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
send_register_commands Indicates send or not to send activation commands to device (via SMS or GPRS channel). If parameter is not specified or equals null will be used the platform settings. Default: null. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 1245678, "send_register_commands": true}'


    "success": true


  • 201 - Not found in the database – when tracker not found.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – if tracker corrupted.
  • 264 - Timeout not reached – if another register retry request for this tracker done in last 120 seconds.
  • 208 - Device blocked – when tracker exists but was blocked due to tariff restrictions or some other reason.
  • 219 - Not allowed for clones of the device – when specified tracker is a clone.
  • 214 - Requested operation or parameters are not supported by the device – when device does not have GSM module.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Updates tracker settings.

required permissions: trackers: "update".


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
label User-defined label for this tracker, e.g. "Courier". Must consist of printable characters and have length between 1 and 60. Cannot contain < and > symbols. string
deleted If true, tracker will be marked as deleted and will not be shown in user's interface. boolean
comment Optional. A comment (description) related to the tracker. Up to 3000 symbols. string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 1245678, "label": "Courier", "deleted": false}'


    "success": true


  • 201 - Not found in the database – when tracker not found.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


Updates source settings. Can block and unblock a device.

required permissions: trackers: "update".


name description type
tracker_id ID of the tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
blocked If true, tracker will be marked as blocked. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 1245678, "blocked": false}'


    "success": true


  • 201 - Not found in the database – when tracker not found.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.


required permissions: [trackers: "update", "transactions": "create", "tariffs": "read"].


name description type
tracker_id ID of tracker. Tracker must belong to authorized dealer. int
tariff_id New plan ID. int
repay Repay remainder of current plan payment. boolean
charge Charge payment for new plan. For monthly and daily plans. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "tracker_id": 1245678, "tariff_id": 15843, "repay": false, "charge": true}'


    "success": true


  • 201 – Not found in the database.
  • 219 – Not allowed for clones of the device.
  • 221 - Device limit exceeded – when new tariff device limit is less than count of user's trackers.
  • 237 – Invalid tariff - if there are no tariff with tracker.tariff_id and belongs to dealer.
  • 238 – Changing tariff not allowed.
  • 239 – New tariff doesn't exist.
  • 250 – Not allowed for deleted devices.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – when tracker's source corrupted.

Conditions of the change

The current dealer can change tracker tariff from t1 to t2, if:

  1. Tracker:
    • is not removed.
    • belongs to the dealer's user.
    • is not a clone.
  2. t1.tariff_id != t2.tariff_id, i.e. it is impossible to change to the same tariff.
  3. t1.dealer_id = t2.dealer_id = dealer.effectiveDealerId, i.e. both tariffs belong to the current dealer.
  4. t2.device = tracker, i.e. only tracker tariffs are available.
  5. depending on t2.doc_type:
    • doc_type=0 (for all) – without conditions.
    • doc_type=1 (for physical persons) – user.face=1 (physical person).
    • doc_type=2 (for legal entities) – user.face=2 (legal entity) or user.face=3 (SP).
    • doc_type=3 (paas) – without conditions.
  6. t2.device_limit >= count of trackers in user's cabinet.


Repayment will be carried out if the following conditions met:

  1. The "repay" flag set (repay).
  2. A current tariff – monthly: t1.type = monthly.
  3. Tariff – paid: tariff.price > 0.
  4. That the current tariff didn't end (tariff_end != 1)
  5. The tariff expiration date defined: tariff_end_date != 0 (for monthly tariffs it has to be carried out always).
  6. The free period expired: created_date + free_period <= current date where free_period obtained from the hardcodes table or from default_model_settings.
  7. There is still at least one paid day on a tariff: reminder > 0 The rest of days on a tariff: remainder = the number of whole days before the end of the current tariff.

amount to be repaid = ceil(tariff.price * remainder / amt), where amt – the number of days in the current month, a ceil – the operation of taking the integer part.


tariff_id = next_tariff = new tariff ID
tariff_change = current date
if tariff is active (tariff_end = false) then
    tariff_end = false
    last_charged_date = current date
    if new tariff is monthly and the flag "to charge" is not set (charge) then
        tariff_end_date = the first day of the next month from the current date
        tariff_end_date = tomorrow date
else (tariff is not active: tariff_end = true)
    last_charged_date = yesterday date
    if new tariff is monthly then
        if the flag "to charge" is set (charge) then
            tariff_end_date = current date
            tariff_end = true
            tariff_end_date = the first day of the next month from the current date
            tariff_end = false
    if the new tariff is everyday then
        if the flag "to charge" is set(charge) then
            tariff_end_date = current date
            tariff_end = true
            tariff_end_date = tomorrow date
            tariff_end = false
    if the new tariff is activeday then
        tariff_end_date = 0
        tariff_end = false

All dates according to UTC time.


Sends the GPRS command to the device, processing it in a protocol-dependent manner beforehand.

required sub-user rights: tracker_update.


name description type
device_id Fixed device ID, e.g. IMEI. string
command Text or hexadecimal representation of the command. string
type Optional. Default is text . Can be "text" or "hex". string
reliable Optional. default is true. If false the command doesn't need to be resent when the device is disconnected or if no acknowledgment is received. boolean


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "device_id": "889654248978", "command": "setparam 101:4"}'


    "success": true


  • 7 - Invalid parameters.
  • 201 - Not found in the database – if there is no tracker with such device ID belonging to authorized user.
  • 252 - Device already corrupted – if tracker's source corrupted.
Example response with an error:
  "success": false,
  "status": {
    "code": 7,
    "description": "Invalid parameters"
  "errors": [
      "parameter": "command",
      "error": "Non-hex string"

Last update: August 4, 2024