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API calls to read and update panel's service settings.

Service settings object

    "service_title": "monitoring service",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "demo_login": "demo",
    "demo_password": "demo",
    "maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
    "default_map": {
      "type": "osm",
      "location": {
        "lat": 33.0, 
        "lng": 22.0
      "zoom": 2
    "currency": "EUR",
    "payment_link": "",
    "promo_url": "",
    "google_client_id": "io54p54ijy54",
    "domain": "",
    "favicon": "",
    "app_logo": "paas/5001/app_logo.png",
    "logo": "paas/5001/logo.png",
    "document_logo": "paas/5001/document_logo.png",
    "login_wallpaper": "paas/5001/login.png",
    "desktop_wallpaper": "",
    "login_footer": "All rights reserved.",
    "allow_registration": true,
    "show_mobile_apps": true,
    "default_user_settings": {
      "geocoder": "google",
      "route_provider": "progorod",
      "measurement_system": "metric",
      "translit": false
    "display_model_features_link": false,
    "limited_domain": false,
    "allowed_maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
    "color_theme": "aqua",
    "app_color_theme": "blue_1",
    "privacy_policy_link": "http://privacy-policy-url",
    "tos": "Terms Of Service text",
    "no_register_commands": false,
    "default_user_time_zone": "Europe/London"
  • service_title - string. Service name.
  • locale - enum. Default locale of the dealer.
  • demo_login - string. If not empty, demo button will use this login to authorize.
  • demo_password - string. If not empty, demo button will use this password to authorize.
  • maps - enum array. Maps available in monitoring system. When a domain is platform owner's subdomain then only free maps are available.
  • default_map - default map settings object.
    • type - enum. Default map code.
    • location - location object. Default location to show on the map when monitoring opens. Location object described in data types description section.
    • zoom - int. Default zoom level to use.
  • currency - enum. Code of the currency which can be shown in UI.
  • payment_link - string. A link to dealer's payment system. Can be null or empty.
  • promo_url - string. Customizable "About company" URL. Can be null or empty.
  • google_client_id - string. Google Maps client ID (not supported by the interface yet).
  • domain - string. Domain which will be used for monitoring system.
  • favicon - string. Nullable, path or URL to dealer's interface favicon.
  • app_logo - string. Nullable, path or URL to dealer's mobile app logotype.
  • logo - string. Nullable, path or URL to dealer's logotype.
  • document_logo - string. Nullable, path or URL to dealer's logotype for documents.
  • login_wallpaper - string. Nullable, path or URL to dealer's interface login wallpaper.
  • desktop_wallpaper - string. Nullable, path to dealer's interface wallpaper.
  • login_footer - string. Nullable, footer which will be included in login page.
  • allow_registration - boolean. If true allows self-registration of users.
  • show_mobile_apps - boolean. If true when entering the service from a mobile device or tablet, users will be prompted to download the mobile application or continue using the mobile web UI.
  • default_user_settings - default user settings object.
    • geocoder - string. Default geocoder.
    • route_provider - string. Default route provider.
    • measurement_system - enum. Measurement system.
    • date_format - Optional enum. Date representation.
    • hour_mode - Optional enum. Time representation.
    • translit - boolean. SMS transliteration. If true allows you to reduce the number of characters in an SMS message by replacing the characters of the national alphabet with close Latin ones.
  • display_model_features_link - boolean. When true shows in model info link to (UI option).
  • limited_domain - boolean. If true, paas domain has limitations.
  • allowed_maps - enum. List of maps available for selection in "maps" list.
  • color_theme - string. 128 chars max. Color theme code or empty string (for default theme).
  • app_color_theme - string. 128 chars max. Mobile app color theme code or empty string (for default theme).
  • privacy_policy_link - string. A link to privacy policy.
  • tos - string. Terms Of Service text.
  • no_register_commands - boolean. If true then do not send commands to devices on activation.
  • default_user_time_zone - string. Time zone id for new users to be created via user/upload. Also, this zone will be selected by default when creating a new user in the Navixy Admin Panel.

API actions

API path: panel/dealer/settings/service.


Gets current monitoring service settings.

required permissions: service_settings: "read".


Only session hash.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06"}'


  "success": true,
  "value": {
       "service_title": "monitoring service",
       "locale": "en_US",
       "demo_login": "demo",
       "demo_password": "demo",
       "maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
       "default_map": {
         "type": "osm",
         "location": {
           "lat": 33.0, 
           "lng": 22.0
         "zoom": 2
       "currency": "EUR",
       "payment_link": "",
       "promo_url": "",
       "google_client_id": "io54p54ijy54",
       "domain": "",
       "favicon": "",
       "app_logo": "paas/5001/app_logo.png",
       "logo": "paas/5001/logo.png",
       "document_logo": "paas/5001/document_logo.png",
       "login_wallpaper": "paas/5001/login.png",
       "desktop_wallpaper": "",
       "login_footer": "All rights reserved.",
       "allow_registration": true,
       "show_mobile_apps": true,
       "default_user_settings": {
         "geocoder": "google",
         "route_provider": "progorod",
         "measurement_system": "metric",
         "translit": false
       "display_model_features_link": false,
       "limited_domain": false,
       "allowed_maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
       "color_theme": "aqua",
       "app_color_theme": "blue_1",
       "privacy_policy_link": "http://privacy-policy-url",
       "tos": "Terms Of Service text",
       "no_register_commands": false,
       "default_user_time_zone": "America/New_York"


General types only.


Updates monitoring service settings for the current dealer.

Note: wallpapers, logos and favicons cannot be edited here.

required permissions: service_settings: "update".


name description type
service_title Service name. string
locale Default locale of the dealer. enum
demo_login If not empty, demo button will use this login to authorize. string
demo_password If not empty, demo button will use this password to authorize. string
maps Maps available in monitoring system. enum array
default_map Default map settings object. JSON object
currency Code of the currency which will be shown in UI. enum
payment_link A link to dealer's payment system. Can be null or empty. string
promo_url Customizable "About company" URL. Can be null or empty. string
google_client_id Google maps client ID. string
domain Domain which will be used for monitoring system. string
login_footer Nullable, footer which will be included in login page. string
allow_registration If true allows self-registration of users. boolean
show_mobile_apps If true shows mobile apps to users who opens mobile web UI. boolean
default_user_settings Default user settings object. JSON object
display_model_features_link When true shows in model info link to (UI option). boolean
limited_domain If true, paas domain has limitations. boolean
allowed_maps List of maps available for selection in "maps" list. enum
color_theme 128 chars max. Color theme code or empty string (for default theme). string
app_color_theme 128 chars max. Mobile app color theme code or empty string (for default theme). string
privacy_policy_link A link to privacy policy. string
tos Terms Of Service text. string
no_register_commands If true then do not send commands to devices on activation. boolean
default_user_time_zone Time zone by default for new users. string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "service_title": "monitoring service", "locale": "en_US", "demo_login": "demo", "demo_password": "demo", "maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"], "default_map": {"type": "osm", "location": {"lat": 33.0, "lng": 22.0}, "zoom": 2}, "currency": "EUR", "payment_link": "", "promo_url": "", "google_client_id": "io54p54ijy54", "domain": "", "login_footer": "All rights reserved.", "allow_registration": true, "show_mobile_apps": true, "default_user_settings": {"geocoder": "google", "route_provider": "progorod", "measurement_system": "metric", "translit": false}, "display_model_features_link": false, "limited_domain": false, "allowed_maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"], "color_theme": "aqua", "app_color_theme": "blue_1", "privacy_policy_link": "http://privacy-policy-url", "tos": "Terms Of Service text", "no_register_commands": false, "default_user_time_zone": "Europe/London"}'


    "success": true


  • 247 - Entity already exists(409) - when domain already used by other dealer.

Last update: April 11, 2024