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Service Settings

Service settings in Navixy allow administrators to configure and customize various aspects of the monitoring service. These settings control the appearance and functionality of the platform, such as default maps, user interfaces, branding elements, and user registration options. By adjusting these parameters, administrators can tailor the platform to better meet the needs of their users and reflect their company's branding and operational requirements.

Service settings object

Let's explore the Service Settings object using the following example:

    "service_title": "monitoring service",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "demo_login": "demo",
    "demo_password": "demo",
    "maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
    "default_map": {
      "type": "osm",
      "location": {
        "lat": 33.0, 
        "lng": 22.0
      "zoom": 2
    "currency": "EUR",
    "payment_link": "",
    "promo_url": "",
    "google_client_id": "io54p54ijy54",
    "domain": "",
    "favicon": "",
    "app_logo": "paas/5001/app_logo.png",
    "logo": "paas/5001/logo.png",
    "document_logo": "paas/5001/document_logo.png",
    "login_wallpaper": "paas/5001/login.png",
    "desktop_wallpaper": "",
    "login_footer": "All rights reserved.",
    "allow_registration": true,
    "show_mobile_apps": true,
    "default_user_settings": {
      "geocoder": "google",
      "route_provider": "progorod",
      "measurement_system": "metric",
      "translit": false
    "display_model_features_link": false,
    "limited_domain": false,
    "allowed_maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
    "color_theme": "aqua",
    "app_color_theme": "blue_1",
    "privacy_policy_link": "http://privacy-policy-url",
    "tos": "Terms Of Service text",
    "no_register_commands": false,
    "default_user_time_zone": "Europe/London"
  • service_title - string. Name of the service.
  • locale - enum. Default locale of the dealer.
  • demo_login - string. Login used for demo authorization if not empty.
  • demo_password - string. Password used for demo authorization if not empty.
  • maps - enum array. Maps available in the monitoring system. Only free maps are available if the domain is the platform owner's subdomain.
  • default_map - Default map settings object.
    • type - enum. Default map code.
    • location - Location object. Default location to show on the map when monitoring opens. Described in the data types description section.
    • zoom - int. Default zoom level to use.
  • currency - enum. Currency code shown in the UI.
  • payment_link - string. Link to the dealer's payment system. Can be null or empty.
  • promo_url - string. Customizable "About company" URL. Can be null or empty.
  • google_client_id - string. Google Maps client ID (not supported by the interface yet).
  • domain - string. Domain used for the monitoring system.
  • favicon - string. Path or URL to the dealer's interface favicon. Nullable.
  • app_logo - string. Path or URL to the dealer's mobile app logotype. Nullable.
  • logo - string. Path or URL to the dealer's logotype. Nullable.
  • document_logo - string. Path or URL to the dealer's logotype for documents. Nullable.
  • login_wallpaper - string. Path or URL to the dealer's interface login wallpaper. Nullable.
  • desktop_wallpaper - string. Path to the dealer's interface wallpaper. Nullable.
  • login_footer - string. Footer included on the login page. Nullable.
  • allow_registration - boolean. Allows self-registration of users if true.
  • show_mobile_apps - boolean. Prompts users to download the mobile app or continue using the mobile web UI when entering the service from a mobile device or tablet if true.
  • default_user_settings - Default user settings object.
    • geocoder - string. Default geocoder.
    • route_provider - string. Default route provider.
    • measurement_system - enum. Measurement system.
    • date_format - Optional enum. Date representation.
    • hour_mode - Optional enum. Time representation.
    • translit - boolean. SMS transliteration. Reduces the number of characters in an SMS by replacing the characters of the national alphabet with close Latin ones if true.
  • display_model_features_link - boolean. Shows a link to in model info if true (UI option).
  • limited_domain - boolean. Indicates whether the PaaS domain has limitations if true.
  • allowed_maps - enum. List of maps available for selection in the "maps" list.
  • color_theme - string. Max 128 characters. Color theme code or empty string (for the default theme).
  • app_color_theme - string. Max 128 characters. Mobile app color theme code or empty string (for the default theme).
  • privacy_policy_link - string. Nullable, privacy policy link (it may be empty).
  • tos - string. Nullable, terms of service text (it may be empty).
  • no_register_commands - boolean. Prevents sending commands to devices on activation if true.
  • default_user_time_zone - string. Time zone ID for new users created via user/upload. This time zone is also selected by default when creating a new user in the Navixy Admin Panel.

API actions

API path: panel/dealer/settings/service.


Gets current monitoring service settings.

required permissions: service_settings: "read".


Only session hash.


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06"}'


  "success": true,
  "value": {
       "service_title": "monitoring service",
       "locale": "en_US",
       "demo_login": "demo",
       "demo_password": "demo",
       "maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
       "default_map": {
         "type": "osm",
         "location": {
           "lat": 33.0, 
           "lng": 22.0
         "zoom": 2
       "currency": "EUR",
       "payment_link": "",
       "promo_url": "",
       "google_client_id": "io54p54ijy54",
       "domain": "",
       "favicon": "",
       "app_logo": "paas/5001/app_logo.png",
       "logo": "paas/5001/logo.png",
       "document_logo": "paas/5001/document_logo.png",
       "login_wallpaper": "paas/5001/login.png",
       "desktop_wallpaper": "",
       "login_footer": "All rights reserved.",
       "allow_registration": true,
       "show_mobile_apps": true,
       "default_user_settings": {
         "geocoder": "google",
         "route_provider": "progorod",
         "measurement_system": "metric",
         "translit": false
       "display_model_features_link": false,
       "limited_domain": false,
       "allowed_maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"],
       "color_theme": "aqua",
       "app_color_theme": "blue_1",
       "privacy_policy_link": "http://privacy-policy-url",
       "tos": "Terms Of Service text",
       "no_register_commands": false,
       "default_user_time_zone": "America/New_York"


General types only.


Updates monitoring service settings for the current dealer.

Note: wallpapers, logos and favicons cannot be edited here.

required permissions: service_settings: "update".


name description type
service_title Service name. string
demo_login If not empty, demo button will use this login to authorize. string
demo_password If not empty, demo button will use this password to authorize. string
maps Maps available in monitoring system. enum array
default_map Default map settings object. JSON object
currency Code of the currency which will be shown in UI. enum
payment_link A link to dealer's payment system. Can be null or empty. string
promo_url Customizable "About company" URL. Can be null or empty. string
google_client_id Google maps client ID. string
domain Domain which will be used for monitoring system. string
login_footer Nullable, footer which will be included in login page. string
allow_registration If true allows self-registration of users. boolean
show_mobile_apps If true shows mobile apps to users who opens mobile web UI. boolean
default_user_settings Default user settings object. JSON object
display_model_features_link When true shows in model info link to (UI option). boolean
limited_domain If true, paas domain has limitations. boolean
allowed_maps List of maps available for selection in "maps" list. enum
color_theme 128 chars max. Color theme code or empty string (for default theme). string
app_color_theme 128 chars max. Mobile app color theme code or empty string (for default theme). string
privacy_policy_link A link to privacy policy. string
tos Terms Of Service text. string
no_register_commands If true then do not send commands to devices on activation. boolean
default_user_time_zone Time zone by default for new users. string


curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"hash": "fa7bf873fab9333144e171372a321b06", "service_title": "monitoring service", "locale": "en_US", "demo_login": "demo", "demo_password": "demo", "maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"], "default_map": {"type": "osm", "location": {"lat": 33.0, "lng": 22.0}, "zoom": 2}, "currency": "EUR", "payment_link": "", "promo_url": "", "google_client_id": "io54p54ijy54", "domain": "", "login_footer": "All rights reserved.", "allow_registration": true, "show_mobile_apps": true, "default_user_settings": {"geocoder": "google", "route_provider": "progorod", "measurement_system": "metric", "translit": false}, "display_model_features_link": false, "limited_domain": false, "allowed_maps": ["osm", "wikimapia", "yandexpublic", "osmmapnik"], "color_theme": "aqua", "app_color_theme": "blue_1", "privacy_policy_link": "http://privacy-policy-url", "tos": "Terms Of Service text", "no_register_commands": false, "default_user_time_zone": "Europe/London"}'


    "success": true


  • 247 - Entity already exists(409) - when domain already used by other dealer.

Last update: September 12, 2024