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Getting Started

The structure of Panel API (aka Administration API) – request paths, response and error formats – is the same as for user API, so we highly recommend reading Backend API: getting started.

Two main differences are authorization system and request paths.

Panel API base URL

Panel API resides in panel/ subsection of API URL. So you can determine URL to API calls like this:

  • for European Navixy ServerMate platform.
  • for American Navixy ServerMate platform.
  • https://api.your_domain/panel/ for the self-hosted (On-Premise) installations.

For example, to make account/auth API call in Navixy ServerMate, you should use the URL:


In order to authorize, you should make a GET or POST request to /account/auth/ with login (your administration panel login) and password (its password), which returns JSON object, containing hash (hexadecimal unique string) of the newly created Panel API session, which you should use in other Panel API calls.

Please note that you cannot use Panel API session hash in user API or vice versa.

You must keep in mind that string type containing any symbols except ASCII codes from 32 to 127 must be URL encoded before transfer.

For example, in on-premise installations, there is a default user with login admin and password admin. You can authorize with it like this (all HTTP request examples are made using curl *nix utility):

$ curl -d 'login=admin&password=admin' \
       -X POST

This method is not recommended. Just for example:

$ curl

And you'll get answer like this:

  "hash": "1dc2b813769d846c2c15030884948117",
  "success": true,
  "permissions": { ... }

The value returned in hash field (in this example it is 1dc2b813769d846c2c15030884948117) should be saved for further use.

If API call completes successfully, the HTTP response code is 200 OK, and success field in returned JSON is equal to true.

If there is any error, for example, wrong credentials were used, HTTP response code differs from 200, success field is false, and status field contains the description of the error.

For example:

  "success": false,
  "status": {
    "code": 12,
    "description": "Dealer not found"

The "description" field is just a human-readable hint, you should not check its contents programmatically as it may change in the future.

For more info, please see account/auth.

Using session hash

After successful authorization, you can make other Panel API calls. You should always pass the session hash you obtained earlier as the hash parameter. This parameter is not listed in parameters list of every API call, but still required by default.

For example, to list first ten users belonging to your system account, you can use the following Panel API call (the hash is from previous example):

$ curl -X POST '' \
       -d 'hash=1dc2b813769d846c2c15030884948117&limit=10'

Session expiration

Each session, and its associated hash key, has a limited lifespan that defaults to 24 hours. This is a change from the previous setting of 30 days, implemented for improved security. You need to periodically obtain a new hash key.

If you attempt to make a Panel API call with an expired session hash, you will receive an error:

  "success": false,
  "status": {
    "code": 4,
    "description": "User not found or session ended"

In this case, just obtain new hash using account/auth.

How to securely share panel's credentials

To share access to the admin panel, and at the same time not to worry about data security, we recommend contacting the technical support team to create a technical panel account. Provide the email address for which the technical account will be created. You will receive a login and password for the account.

The possibilities of tech account:

  • Add new users
  • Modify data of current users
  • Add new trackers
  • Clone current trackers
  • Change owner of a tracker
  • Change tracker data plan
  • Analyze incoming data with the air console

Technicians are not allowed:

  • Delete users
  • Remove trackers
  • Add, change, delete plans
  • Change platform settings

Panel API Permissions

Every call to panel api requires a set (possibly empty) of permissions. To determine if user is allowed to execute api call, user's permissions is compared with call's required permissions. If user does not have at least one required permission, the call is not executed and error "Operation not permitted" is returned.

Each permission is defined as a pair of category (e.g. trackers) and operation (e.g. read). A set of permissions within one category is often grouped as in the following example:

  • trackers: create, read

This defines two permissions: (trackers, create) and (trackers, read).

List of all possible categories and operations:

  • accounting: generate
  • activation_code: create, read, update
  • base: get_dealer_info
  • notification_settings: read, update
  • service\_settings: read, update
  • tariffs: create, read, update
  • trackers: create, read, update, delete
  • transactions: create, read, update
  • users: create, read, update, delete
  • user\_sessions: create
  • sms: create
  • tracker\_bundles: read, update

Last update: November 22, 2023