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To interact with the Navixy API, you need an API key hash, which is essential for authenticating your requests. Follow these steps to obtain the hash.

Steps to Obtain an API Key Hash

Obtaining an API Key from User Interface

  1. Login to the Web Interface:

    • Access the Navixy user interface via the web
    • Use your credentials to log in
  2. Navigate to the API Key Section:

    • Once logged in, go to the Settings menu.
    • Find the API Keys section, typically located under Account Settings or Security.
  3. Generate a New API Key:

    • Click on the Generate New API Key button.
    • Provide a name for the API key to easily identify it later.
    • Select the permissions and scope for the key based on your needs.
    • Click Generate.
  4. Copy the API Key Hash:

    • Once the key is generated, you will see the API key hash.
    • Copy this hash and store it securely. You will use this hash in your API requests.

Obtaining User Key via Authentication Call

To authenticate and obtain a user key through the Navixy API, use the user/auth call. This section provides a detailed guide on how to make this API call, including example requests and expected responses.


POST /user/auth


  • login (string, required): The user's login name.
  • password (string, required): The user's password.
  • app_key (string, optional): The application key for additional security.

Request Example

HTTP POST Example with JSON

$ curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "login": "",
          "password": "user_password"

HTTP POST Example with Form Data

$ curl -X POST '' \
    -d '' \
    -d 'password=user_password'


Successful Response

  "success": true,
  "hash": "a6aa75587e5c59c32d347da438505fc3",
  "user": {
    "id": 12345,
    "login": "",
    "name": "John Doe"
  • success (boolean): Indicates if the authentication was successful
  • hash (string): The API key hash to be used in subsequent API calls
  • user (object): Contains user details

    • id (integer): The user ID
    • login (string): The user's login name
    • name (string): The user's full name

Error Response

  "success": false,
  "status": {
    "code": 2,
    "description": "Service Auth error"
  • success (boolean): Indicates if the authentication failed
  • status (object): Contains error details

    • code (integer): The error code
    • description (string): A description of the error

Using the API Key Hash

Including the API Key Hash in Requests

To authenticate your requests to the Navixy API, include the API key hash in one of the following ways:

  1. As a Query Parameter: Append the hash to your API request URL

  2. As a Request Header: Include the hash in the Authorization header

    Authorization: NVX your_api_key_hash

  3. In the Request Body: Include the hash in the JSON body of your request

      "hash": "your_api_key_hash",
      "param1": "value1"

Example Requests

HTTP GET Example

$ curl ''

HTTP POST Example with JSON

$ curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "hash": "your_api_key_hash",
          "param1": "value1"

Best Practices for API Key Security

  • Store securely: Always store your API keys securely and do not expose them in your codebase or version control.
  • Restrict permissions: Limit the permissions of the API key to only what is necessary for your application.
  • Rotate keys: Regularly rotate your API keys and update your application accordingly.

Last update: August 30, 2024